Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Plants: Supplemental Guide 7 | Plants and People 147

 With guidance and support from adults, respond to comments and
suggestions from peers to revise Plant Page #6 as needed (W.K.5)

 With assistance, organize facts from various read-alouds to identify
the plant parts that are edible in a student-created picture (W.K.8)

 Describe favorite fruit and, with prompting and support, provide
additional detail (SL.K.4)

 Add drawings to the Plant Pages booklet to show information learned
from “Evergreen Trees” (SL.K.5)

 Add drawings or pictures to accompany an oral description of a
scrumptious meal (SL.K.5)

 Produce compound sentences using and in a shared language
activity (L.K.1f)

 Identify new meanings for the word pit and apply them accurately

 Identify real-life connections between words—oxygen, provide, pit,
and scrumptious—and their use (L.K.5c)

 Listen to a variety of texts, including informational text such as “Plants
and People”

Core Vocabulary

blossoms, n. The flowers on a plant or tree
Example: The blossoms on the apple tree were beautiful and white.
Variation(s): blossom
core, n. The center or middle part of something
Example: Juan ate his apple all the way to the core.
Variation(s): cores
fruit, n. The part of the plant that contains the seed
Example: Apples are Abigail’s favorite fruit.
Variation(s): fruits
oxygen, n. A gas found in air and water
Example: We breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide.
Variation(s): none
produce, v. To m ake
Example: Apple trees produce apples.
Variation(s): produces, produced, producing
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