Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Plants: Supplemental Guide 7A | Plants and People 153

Vocabular y Preview


  1. When you breathe in, oxygen goes into your body.

  2. Say the word oxygen with me three times.

  3. Oxygen is something that is in the air we breathe. We cannot see
    it, smell it, or taste it, but it is very important to our survival. [Have
    students take a deep breath with you. Tell them that when they
    breathe in, oxygen from the air is going into their bodies.]

  4. If animals do not get enough oxygen, they cannot survive.
    If you do not breathe, your body cannot get the oxygen it needs.

  5. Taking turns with your partner, tell each other three things that need
    oxygen to survive (e.g., humans, plants, ants, bears, apple trees). Use
    the word oxygen when you tell about them.


  1. One reason plants are important is that they provide food.

  2. Say the word provide with me three times.

  3. To provide means to give something.

  4. Plants provide us with oxygen.
    Kiara’s soccer coach provides the team with snacks after soccer

  5. Has someone ever provided you with something you needed? Tell
    your partner about a time someone provided you with something you
    needed, like a coat, a meal, or a pencil. Use the word provided when
    you tell about it.

Purpose for Listening

Tell students that they will hear about how plants are useful to humans
because they provide humans with oxygen and food. Tell them to listen
carefully to find out about the parts of plants they can eat.

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

 Identify that plants provide oxygen and food to people

 Explain that seeds are the beginning of new plants

 Explain that some plants produce fruit to hold seeds

 Compare and contrast fruits and seeds of different plants

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