Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

154 Plants: Supplemental Guide 7A | Plants and People

Presenting the Read-Aloud 10 minutes

Plants and People
 Show image 10A-2: Fruits and vegetables collage
What fruits and vegetables do you see in this picture?

[Call on several students to share.]
Each fruit and vegetable you see in this picture comes from some
part of a plant.

[Take a moment to review the basic parts of a plant: root, stem, leaves, flower,
and seed. You may choose to have students identify the plant parts using
Response Card 1.]
Do you have a favorite fruit you like to eat? Tell your partner about it.
Each person may ask one question to get more information about the
favorite fruit mentioned by their partner.

[Allow thirty seconds for students to talk. You may need to prompt students to
ask and answer questions. Call on a few students to share what their partner’s
favorite fruit is.]
Today we have a special guest who will be joining us for this read-
aloud. Her name is Polly the Honeybee. Polly has come to tell us
about different plants that produce, or make, fruits.

Maybe Polly will talk about your favorite fruit today!

 Show image 6A-1: Apple tree
Here she is! Let’s give our guest a warm welcome by waving hello.

[Have students wave to Polly.]
Buzz, buzz! Do you see me next to an apple tree? I just love to drink
the sweet nectar—or sweet juice—that is inside the apple blossoms.
The nectar of those blossoms are scrumptious! It is so delicious!

These apples were small at first, but then they got bigger and bigger.
Now they are almost ripe—they are almost ready to be picked and
eaten. When the apples are ripe, they will drop off the tree.

Or, someone like you may come and pick the apple from the tree and
eat it.
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