Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Plants: Supplemental Guide 7A | Plants and People 155

 Show image 6A-2: Sliced apple

Here’s an apple that has been picked off the tree and sliced, or cut,
in half.^ There is something special in the core—or center part—of the
apple. Do you know what that is?

[Pause for answers.]

  • seeds
    That’s right, the seeds! Lots of plants, like this apple tree, produce,
    or make, a special part to hold the seeds called the fruit. The fruit of
    this apple tree are called apples. Inside each apple are apple seeds.

What do you think the seeds inside the apple can grow up to

[Call on a student to answer.]

  • The seeds inside the apple can grow into new apple trees.

 Show image 6A-3: Cherry tree branch with cherries

Buzz, buzz! Here I am again. I’m next to a cherry tree. In the spring,
cherry trees produce lovely pink blossoms. Cherry blossoms have
scrumptious nectar. But now the blossoms are gone. This tree has
begun to make fruit.

 Show image 6A-4: Cherries

Have you ever bitten into a fresh cherry? If you have, your teeth
probably bumped into something hard at its core. That hard thing is
the cherry pit, and the seed of the cherry is actually inside the cherry

The tasty part of the cherry that people eat is the soft fruit around the
pit. To people, the fruit seems like the important part of a cherry. But,
to the cherry tree, the most important part is the seed that is inside
the cherry pit.

Tell your partner why the seed the most important part of the plant.

[Allow fifteen seconds for students to talk. Call on a partner pair to answer.]

  • The seed is the most important part of the plant because the seed can
    grow into a new plant.

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