Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Plants: Supplemental Guide 7A | Plants and People 157

Well, that about concludes—or ends—my little talk about plants, fruit
and seeds. Now you know that fruits like apples and strawberries
come from plants. And you also know that fruits contain the seeds
from which new plants can grow. Fruits are healthy and tasty, so you
should eat them every day. Did I talk about one of your favorite fruits

[Pause for answers.]
Now your teacher will tell you about three more plants that you
probably eat every day.

 Show image 10A-3: Corn

This is a picture of one of the most important plants in the world—
corn. Believe it or not, corn is the seed of a special type of grass.

Do you think corn on the cob is scrumptious—or very yummy?

[Pause for answers.]

 Show image 10A-4: Wheat and wheat products

Have you eaten bread, cookies, or crackers lately? If so, you probably
have eaten wheat. Wheat also is a seed that comes from a type of
grass. Its seeds are crushed and used to make flour, which is used in
many kinds of breads, cereals, and cakes.

What kinds of food made from wheat do you think are scrumptious?

[Pause for answers.]

 Show image 10A-5: Rice

This is a picture of rice. Rice is another important food that comes
from a seed. People all over the world eat rice. Rice is used to feed
billions of people every day!

Tell your partner what you like to eat with rice. Or tell your partner
about a plant you have eaten recently.

[Allow fifteen seconds for students to talk. Call on several students to share.]
You have just learned about the three most important food plants in
the world: corn, wheat, and rice. They are all seeds that come from
different types of grasses.
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