Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

158 Plants: Supplemental Guide 7A | Plants and People

 Show image 10A-14: Child and trees
Plants do not only provide us with food. Here is another important
thing plants provide us with: clean and fresh air.

When plants make their own food through photosynthesis, they
release oxygen into the air. When you breathe in, oxygen travels into
your body. Oxygen keeps you alive. You need oxygen all day, every

Trees are the biggest and best clean-air makers. Trees help keep the
air clean and safe to breathe. So, next time you see a big tree, wrap
your arms around it and give it a big hug, just to show you understand
how important it is.

Discussing the Read-Aloud 10 minutes

Comprehension Questions
If students have difficulty responding to questions, reread pertinent lines
of the read-aloud and/or refer to specific images. Encourage students to
answer in complete sentences. Model answers using complete sentences
for students.

  1. Literal What are two important things plants provide for humans?

    • Plants provide food and oxygen for humans.

  2. Literal What do some plants produce to hold their seeds?

    • Some plants produce fruit to hold their seeds.

  3. Literal What part of the strawberry plant has the seeds?

    • The outside of the strawberry has the seeds.

  4. Literal What are some fruits that Polly talked about? What do their
    seeds look like? Where can you find the seeds?

    • Apples have small, dark brown seeds inside the core.

    • Cherries have hard, light brown pits inside the cherry.

    • Strawberries have tiny seeds on the outside.

    • Watermelon has many black or white seeds inside the watermelon.

  5. Evaluative [Hold up Image Cards 2–12 and have students identify
    the fruits and their seeds.] What fruit is this? Do you think this fruit is

    • Answer may vary.

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