Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Plants: Supplemental Guide 7B | Plants and People 161

 Show image 10A-2: Fruits and vegetables collage

  1. Name one thing you see in this picture. (a kiwi)

    • I see a kiwi.

  2. Name something else you see in this picture (corn)

    • I see corn.

  3. Now let’s put these two sentences together using and. We use and to
    show that there is something more or to add more information.

    • I see kiwi, and I see corn.
       Show image 6A-5: Strawberry plant

  4. What is Polly the Honeybee doing? (buzzing next to a strawberry plant)

  • Polly the Honeybee is buzzing next to a strawberry plant.

  1. What else is Polly doing? (telling us about strawberries)

  • Polly is telling us about strawberries.

  1. Now let’s put these sentences together using and. We use and to
    show that there is something more or to add more information.

  • Polly the Honeybee is buzzing next to a strawberry plant, and Polly is
    telling us about strawberries.

  1. Using the word and, tell your partner two things you will do after
    school today. For example, you could say, “I will eat a healthy snack,
    and I will play with my little brother.”

 Vocabulary Instructional Activity
Word Work: Scrumptious

  1. In the read-aloud you heard Polly the Honeybee say, “I love to drink
    the scrumptious nectar of plant blossoms.”

  2. Say the word scrumptious with me three times.

  3. When you say that something is scrumptious, that means you think it
    tastes great.

  4. Amir thought his dinner was so scrumptious that he wishes he could
    eat it every night.

  5. Tell your partner other words you could use that mean scrumptious.

    • Delicious, very good, yummy, tastes good
      [You may wish to ask students how they say scrumptious in their home

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