Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Plants: Supplemental Guide 8A | George Washington Carver 167

GGeorge Washington eorge Washington

CCarverarver^8 A

Introducing the Read-Aloud 15 minutes

What Have We Learned?

  • Ask students: “Who did we meet in yesterday’s read-aloud? What did
    she tell us about?”

    • We met Polly the Honeybee. She told us about fruit and seeds.

  • Using Image Cards 2 through 12, review the different types of fruit
    and their seeds. You may wish to have students visualize in their
    minds what the seeds look like and then show them the picture of the
    seed in the fruit.

  • Reinforce the fact that some plants produce fruit to hold their seeds.

My Plants Pages

  • Give students their My Plants Pages booklet.

  • Show students an example of completed Plants Page for Lesson 7.

  • Have them turn to next blank page and write the number “7” on the
    bottom corner. Tell students to draw something that plants provide to

  • Choose a few students to dictate what they have drawn. Be sure to
    repeat back to them what you have written on their paper.
    ➶ Above and Beyond: If they are able, students may label their

  • Have students share their Plant Page with their partner, in small
    groups, or with home language peers. Encourage them to comment on
    each other’s picture. Then direct students to go back to their picture
    and revise it based on your comments or the comments of their peers.

Introducing “George Washington Carver”
 Show image 11A-2: George Washington Carver

  • Tell students that they are about to hear a true story about a famous
    man who lived over a hundred years ago named George Washington

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