Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

168 Plants: Supplemental Guide 8A | George Washington Carver

  • Tell students that this story is different from a tall tale, like “Johnny
    Appleseed,” because it is a true story about a real person. This story
    does not exaggerate the truth like a tall tale exaggerates the truth.

  • Ask students to guess what George Washington Carver loved and
    what he was famous for.

Vocabular y Preview

  1. George Washington Carver studied botany in college and became an
    expert botanist.

  2. Say the word botany with me three times.
    Say the word botanist with me three times.

  3. Botany is the study of plants and the life of plants. What do you think
    botanist means?

    • A botanist is someone who studies plants.

  4. An expert in botany knows a lot about all kinds of plants. Someone
    who studies plants is called a botanist.

  5. If you were to study botany, which plant would you like to know about
    first? Tell your partner about it. Use the word botany or botanist when
    you tell about it.

  6. George Washington Carver had an interest in plants since he was a
    young child.

  7. Say the word interest with me three times.

  8. When you have an interest in something, that means it gets your
    attention and you are curious about it.

  9. Jayden has an interest in cooking. Every evening he helps his father
    cook dinner.

  10. What do you have an interest in? What do you do about your interest?
    Tell your partner about your interest and what you do related to it. For
    example, you can say, “I have an interest in , and I... ” I will
    call on a few students to share.

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