Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Plants: Supplemental Guide CA | Culminating Activities 187

➶ Plant Experiment

Materials: Four packets of seeds; four containers; potting soil
Note: This is a long-term project
Plant seeds in four different containers. With the first group of seeds,
provide no water or sun. With the second group of seeds, provide water
but no sunlight. With the third group of seeds, provide sunlight, but no
water. With the fourth group of seeds, provide water and sun. Be sure to
explain to students what you are doing.
Have students make predictions about which of the seeds will sprout
and grow the best. Observe each of the containers every couple of days.
Discuss with your class the changes that have occurred, if any. After a
week or two, revisit the predictions and discuss with students whether
their predictions were correct, and why or why not.
Note: If students completed this experiment at home with their
families, ask them to share the results.

Guest Presenter
Invite a botanist, a florist, or a forest ranger to talk to your students about
plants and what got them interested in studying or working with plants.
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