Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Plants: Supplemental Guide 191

Dear Family Member,

Over the next several weeks, your child will be learning about plants. Your child
will learn that plants are living things and that there are many different kinds of plants.
They will learn the basic parts of plants: root, stem, leaf,
fl ower, and seed; and the life cycle of a plant.

Below are some suggestions for activities that
you may do at home to continue to enjoy learning about

  1. Plants Out and About

Any time you are outside with your child, talk with
them about the plants you see around you—their size,
shape, color, etc. Have your child identify the different
plant parts for you.

  1. Plant Experiment

You may wish to conduct an experiment with
plants. For this experiment, you will need to plant seeds
in four different containers.

Container #1: no water and no sun

Container #2: water but no sun

Container #3: sun but no water

Container #4: sun and water

Make predictions with your child about which of the seeds will sprout and grow the
best. Observe each of the containers every couple of days. Discuss with your child the
changes that have taken place. After a week or two, see whether your predictions were

  1. Sayings and Phrases: Great Oaks from Little Acorns Grow

Your child will also learn the well-known saying “great oaks from little acorns
grow.” Things or people that may seem small and insignifi cant at fi rst can often turn into






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