Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Plants: Supplemental Guide 219


Dear Family Member,

I hope your child is having a wonderful time learning about plants!

Below are some suggestions of activities that you can do at home to help your child
continue to enjoy learning about plants.

  1. Watch Seeds Grow!

Watch seeds sprout with your child by doing the activity printed on the back of this letter.

  1. Leaf Rubbings

Collect different types of leaves. Have your child compare and contrast the different types
of leaves by their size, color, and shape. Make a rubbing of the leaves by placing a sheet of
paper over the leaves and gently rubbing the paper with the side of a pencil or crayon.

  1. Tree Hunt

Take a walk around your neighborhood or a park and look at the different trees. Ask
your child to tell you whether they are deciduous (dih-SIJ-oo-uhs) trees or evergreen
trees. Deciduous trees have leaves that change color in the fall and fall off in the winter.
Evergreen trees have green needles all year long.

  1. Plants as Food

While eating with your child, explain the parts of your meal that come from plants.

The chart below shows commonly eaten foods and the plant parts they come from:
Roots Stems Leaves Seeds Flowers Fruits
potato celery lettuce wheat caulifl ower apple
carrot sugar cane cabbage corn broccoli tomato
beet asparagus spinach rice orange
radish parsley beans
turnip basil oats

  1. Read Aloud Each Day

Read a book about plants to your child. Please refer to the list of books sent home
with the previous family letter.

Be sure to talk to your child about the different plants s/he has been learning about
and tell your child that you enjoy listening to what s/he has learned at school.
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