Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Plants: Supplemental Guide 1A | Introduction to Plants 21

Introducing the Read-Aloud 15 minutes

Domain Introduction

  • Tell students that for the next few weeks they will learn about plants.
    Tell them that plants are living things that they can see all around

  • Ask students: “Have you seen a plant on the way to school today?”
    Call on a few students to answer.
     Show image 1A-1: Living things

  • Say to students: “This is a picture of many different kinds of things.
    They are all living. Say the word living with me. With your partner,
    name as many of the living things you see in this picture as you can.”
    Allow thirty seconds for students to talk. Then call on a few partner
    pairs to identify and, with your help, to name, the different living things
    in the picture.

  • Explain to students that all living things need food, water, and air.
    People, animals, and plants are living things because they all need
    food, water, and air.

  • Ask students: “What would happen if you did not drink water for a
    day?” and “What would happen if you did not breathe air for thirty
    seconds?” Call on two students to answer.

  • Point out that plants are also living things and have the same needs
    as people and animals—food, water, and air.

  • Mention also that plants reproduce to make other plants like
    themselves. For instance, the seed of a sunflower will make another
    sunflower and an acorn will eventually grow into an oak tree. This is
    similar to people and animals that reproduce, or make babies, that
    are like themselves. Reinforce this with the fact that nonliving things,
    such as rocks or buildings, do not reproduce or have babies, and that
    nonliving things do not need food, water, or air because they are not

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