Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Plants: Supplemental Guide 1A | Introduction to Plants 23

Vocabular y Preview


  1. We will learn about plants for the next few weeks.

  2. Say the word plant with me three times.

  3. Plants are living things that grow in the ground or under the water.

  4. Juan helps his mother water the plants in their house twice a week.

  5. Tell your partner whether or not you have plants inside your house.
    Use the word plant when you tell about it. I will call on a few of you to


  1. Most plants grow in soil.

  2. Say the word soil with me three times.

  3. Soil is the top layer of dirt where seeds or plants are planted.

[Have students find the soil in the potted plants. Ask a few students to
describe how it looks and to tell whether they like the smell of soil.]

  1. Benita and Selene used a shovel to dig a hole in the soil to plant their

  2. Tell your partner about things that grow from the soil. For example,
    you could say, “Grass grows from the soil.” Use the word soil when
    you tell about it. Each person gets three turns.

Purpose for Listening

Tell students that they are going to listen to a read-aloud about plants.
Ask them to look and listen carefully to find out where plants live and
what plants need to survive.

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

 Explain that plants are living things

 Describe what plants need to live and grow: food, water, air, and light

 Explain that different kinds of plants grow in different environments

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