Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Plants: Supplemental Guide 1A | Introduction to Plants 25

[Have students tell their partner whether they think there is a lot of soil in the
crack of the sidewalk. Call on a partner pair to share.]
Within the soil, there are some things the plant needs to grow: water
and nutrients. Nutrients in the soil are the plants’ food. Here in the
sidewalk, this dandelion gets plenty—or a lot—of sun, and it also gets
plenty of air.^ Even in this little crack, the dandelion gets food, water,
air, and sunlight, so it can grow.

 Show image 1A-3: Hardwood forest

This shady forest is home to plenty of different types of plants, from
the tallest tree to the tiniest flower. A forest is a large area of land
where many, many trees grow close together.

[Have students say forest with you.]
Forests are home to not only different kinds of plants, but also to
plenty of different kinds of animals and insects, from the largest bear
to the tiniest ant.

 Show image 1A-4: Pine forest

This is another type of forest. Do you notice something different about
the trees?

[Call on two volunteers to answer.]
The trees in this forest are different from the trees in the other forest.
Next week, you will learn about two different types of trees.

 Show image 1A-5: Desert cactus

Is this a picture of a forest?

[Have students choral response, “No.”]
Not every place in the world has the same amount of food, water,
air, or light. This is a desert, where it is hot and dry with plenty of
sunshine all year round, or every day.

[Have students say desert with you.]
Most plants on earth could not live in this hot and dry desert. But the
cactus can!

[Have students say cactus with you.]
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