Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

26 Plants: Supplemental Guide 1A | Introduction to Plants

When there is one, you say cactus. When there are more than one,
you say cacti. Cacti can grow in very hot and dry places because they
save water inside themselves. Cacti are known for their prickles or
pointy spines.

Cacti are able to live in the desert beneath the blazing hot sun where
there is very little rainfall. However, the little dandelion in the crack
and the trees in the forest would not be able to live in the desert.
They would wither—or dry up—and die if you tried to plant them in
the desert.^ And the cactus in this desert would not be able to live
in the sidewalk crack or the forest. Different types of plants grow in
different environments or places.

 Show image 1A-6: Underwater plants
Here is another environment—under the water. Fish may be the first
things that come to mind when you think about underwater life, but
there are plants down there, too. Underwater plants need the same
things other plants need—food, water, air, and light.

 Show image 1A-7: City park
This environment is not a forest, not a desert, and definitely not
underwater. What environment do you think this is?

[Call on two volunteers to answer.]
This is a city park. The plants in this park did not get there by
themselves. Some people gathered seeds and planted them in the
ground. People plant grass seeds in parks so there are nice places
to play and relax. People plant flowers and trees to make their
neighborhoods a prettier place.

 Show image 1A-8: House plant
This is a plant in a different environment—inside a home, or indoors.
Some plants can be grown indoors. Do we have a plant in our
If so, someone needs to water it from time to time so it stays healthy
and green.

Remember, all plants need food, water, air, and light. But not all
plants can grow in the same places or environments. A dandelion
cannot grow in the desert, and a cactus cannot grow underwater.
Over the next several days, we will learn more about different types of
plants and plant parts.
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