Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Plants: Supplemental Guide 1C |Introduction to Plants 33

At a Glance (Parts C & D) Exercise Materials Minutes

Reviewing the Read-Aloud

What Have We Learned? pictures/realia of different types of plants

My Plants Pages 10

Instructional Master 1C-1;
example of completed Plant
Vocabulary Review: Plant, Soil
Purpose for Listening

Presenting the Interactive
Introduction to Plants 15

Discussing the Read-Aloud

Comprehension Questions
Word Work: Environment
 Complete Remainder of the Lesson Later in the Day

Extensions Nature Walk: Living or Nonliving?

Instructional Master 1D-1;
Optional: magazines; scissors;
glue or tape; paper


Advance Preparation
Prepare a My Plants Pages booklet for each student. Make copies of
Instructional Master 1C-1 (cover page) so there is a front cover page for
each students. Students will paste their cover page onto their booklet.
To make the booklet, fold a piece of colored construction paper in half.
Then fold four blank pieces of paper in half and insert into the folded
construction paper. Staple at the seam to hold the booklet together.
For every Plant Page that students are asked to make, prepare a
completed Plant Page as an example. Have an example of a complete
Plant Page for Lesson 1 available for students to reference.
For the Nature Walk, students will need to be in groups of three or
four with a supervising adult for each group. Be sure that students
understand the task and your expectations for working outdoors and
working in groups. If circumstances or weather do not permit your class
to go on a nature walk, have some nature-related magazines prepared so

IIntroduction to Plantsntroduction to Plants^1 C

Day 2 of 2

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