Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Plants: Supplemental Guide 1C | Introduction to Plants 35

Plants in Different Environments

 Show image 1A-7: City park

I’m a little flower

with petals bright.

I grow in gardens,

I’m such a sight.

Although I may be different,

My needs are the same:

food, air, sunshine, and the rain.

 Show image 1A-3: Hardwood forest

I’m a very tall tree,

I grow so high.

I live in forests

where bluebirds fly.

Although I may be different,

My needs are the same:

food, air, sunshine, and the rain.

 Show image 1A-5: Desert cactus

I’m a prickly cactus,

with many spines.

I live in deserts

where the sun shines.

Although I may be different,

My needs are the same:

food, air, sunshine, and the rain.
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