Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

36 Plants: Supplemental Guide 1C | Introduction to Plants

 Show image 1A-6: Underwater plants
I’m a silky sea plant

with leaves like fins.

I’m underwater

where fish do swim.

Although I may be different,

My needs are the same:

food, air, sunshine, and the rain.

 Show image 1A-8: House plant
I’m a pretty houseplant,

Always there.

I live in your house,

I need your care.

Although I may be different,

My needs are the same:

food, air, sunshine, and the rain.

My Plants Pages (Instructional Master 1C-1)

  • Distribute an assembled My Plants Pages booklet and front cover to
    each student. Have them write their name on the front cover. Help
    students paste the front cover onto their booklet.

  • Show students an example of completed Plants Page for Lesson 1.

  • Have them turn to the first blank page and write the number “1” on
    the bottom corner. Tell students to draw something they learned
    about plants so far. You could suggest that students draw a type of
    plant they learned about, a plant in its environment, or a comparison
    between living and nonliving things.

  • Choose a few students to dictate what they have drawn. Be sure to
    repeat back to them what you have written on their paper.

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