Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Plants: Supplemental Guide 1C | Introduction to Plants 37

➶ Above and Beyond: If they are able, students may label their

  • Have students share their Plant Page with their partner, in small
    groups, or with home language peers. Encourage them to comment
    on each other’s picture. Then direct students to go back to their
    picture and revise it based on your comments or the comments of
    their peers.

Vocabular y Review


  1. You have heard the word plant before, like in this sentence, “The
    shady forest is home to plenty of different types of plants.”

  2. Plants are living things that grow in the ground or under the water.

  3. Taking turns with your partner, tell each other the names of different
    kinds of plants. Use the word plant when you tell about them. For
    example, you could say, “A sunflower is a plant.” Each person gets
    three turns.


  1. You have heard the word soil before, like in this sentence, “Within the
    soil are some things plants need to grow—nutrients and water.”

  2. Soil is the top layer of dirt where seeds or plants are planted.

  3. Discuss with your partner what would happen if the soil does not have
    nutrients or water in it. Use the word soil when you tell about it.

Purpose for Listening

Tell students that this is the second time they will hear this read-aloud,
but it is different from the first time because they will do most of the
talking about what they have learned so far about plants.

By the end of the lesson, student should be able to:

 Distinguish between living and nonliving things

 Explain that plants are living things

 Describe what plants need to live and grow: food, water, air, and light

 Explain that different kinds of plants grow in different environments

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