Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

38 Plants: Supplemental Guide 1C | Introduction to Plants

Presenting the Interactive Read-Aloud 15 minutes

The dialogic factors and instructional conversations within the lesson can
be altered based on the needs of the class and professional judgment.
When making changes, please keep in mind the Core Content Objectives
for this lesson.

Introduction to Plants
 Show image 1A-1: Living things
Talk to your partner about what you see in this image. Use the words
living and plants.

[Allow thirty seconds for students to talk.]
There are many different kinds of people, animals, and plants that
live in our world. You probably know the names of many of the living
things in this picture.

[Invite a few students to point to and name a person, an animal, and a plant.]
In some ways, people, animals, and plants are alike—or the same.

How are people, animals, and plants alike?

[Call on two students to answer.]

  • People, animals, and plants are all alive, or living. They need food, water,
    and air to grow and stay alive.
    [Have students repeat the three things living things need to stay alive—food,
    water, and air.]
    But plants, people, and animals are different—they are not the same
    —in many other ways.

With your partner, think of three ways plants are different from people
and animals.

[Allow thirty seconds for students to talk. Call on a few partner pairs to share
their answers.]
 Show image 1A-2: Dandelion in the sidewalk
Plants need food, water, air—and one more thing, light—in order to
live and grow.

If a plant has these four things—food, water, air, and light—it can live.
It can live even in a little crack in the sidewalk.
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