Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Plants: Supplemental Guide 1C | Introduction to Plants 39

The plant with yellow flowers in this picture is called a dandelion.
A few weeks ago, a tiny dandelion seed floated through the air and
landed in this crack.

Tell your partner how this dandelion is able to grow in just a little
crack. Use the words food, water, air, and light when you tell about it.

[Allow thirty seconds for students to talk. Call on a volunteer partner pair to
Inside this crack, there was just enough soil for it to begin to grow.
Within the soil, there are some things the plant needs to grow: water
and nutrients. The nutrients in the soil are the plant’s food. This
dandelion gets plenty of sun here in the sidewalk, and it also gets
plenty of air.^ So even in this little crack, the dandelion gets food,
water, air, and sunlight.

 Show image 1A-3: Hardwood forest

This shady forest is home to plenty of different types of plants.

Describe this forest environment to your partner.

[Allow students to talk for fifteen seconds. Call on students to share.]
The forest is home to many plants, from the tallest tree to the tiniest

Can you think of a name of a tall tree?

[Suggested answers: pine, spruce, cypress, sycamore, oak]
Can you think the name of a tiny flower?

[Suggested answers: dandelion, daisy, rose]
[Practice using the phrase “from the... to the... ” You can say, “The forest is
home to many plants, from the tallest pine tree to the tiniest dandelion.”

 Show image 1A-4: Pine forest

This is another type of forest. Forests are home to not only different
kinds of plants, but also to plenty of different kinds of animals and
insects, from the largest bear to the tiniest ant.

Can you think of a name of a large animal?

[Suggested answers: bear, mountain lion, deer]
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