Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Plants: Supplemental Guide 1C | Introduction to Plants 41

 Show image 1A-7: City park

This environment is not a forest, not a desert, and definitely not
underwater. What is this environment?

  • This is a city park.
    Describe this city park environment to your partner.

[Allow students to talk for fifteen seconds. Call on two students to share.]
Why do you think people plant grass, trees, and flowers in city parks?

[Call on four students to share.]

 Show image 1A-8: House plant

This is a plant in a different environment—inside a home, or indoors.

Describe this indoor environment to your partner.

[Allow students to talk for fifteen seconds. Call on two students to share.]
[If you have indoor plants in the classroom, talk about their need for food,
water, air, and light.]
Tell your partner what all plants need to live.

  • All plants need food, water, air, and light to live.
    Do all plants grow in the same environments?

  • Not all plants grow in the same places or environments.
    A dandelion cannot grow in the desert, and a cactus cannot grow
    underwater. In the next lesson we will learn about different parts of

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