Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

44 Plants: Supplemental Guide 1D | Introduction to Plants

Extensions 15 minutes

Nature Walk: Living or Nonliving (Instructional Master 1D-1)
Note: This activity requires advance preparation and coordination.
Placing students into groups of three or four with one adult
supervising each group is advised. Remind students of your
expectations for proper outdoor conduct and proper conduct for
working in groups.

  • Give each student a copy of Instructional Master 1D-1. Tell them
    that they will go outside with their group to look for different things.
    Identify each category for students:

    • Person—teacher, friend, classmate

    • Rock—stone, pebble, tanbark, mulch

    • Plant—grass, tree, flower

    • School supplies—pencils, crayons, ruler, erasers, notebook

    • Car—school bus, van, car

    • Bug—ant, fly, worm, bee, butterfly, spider

    • Animal—bird, squirrel, dog, mouse

    • Clothing—shoe, T-shirt, jacket

  • Tell students that once they find something in a category, they can put
    a check, draw a simple picture, or color in the box for that category.

  • Have students discuss in small groups or with home language peers
    the types of living and nonliving things they found.

  • You may wish to have students cut out the boxes and sort them
    into the categories living and nonliving. Alternatively, you can have
    students draw on small pieces of paper two pictures of living things
    and two pictures of nonliving things they found on their walk and have
    the small group sort them into the categories living and nonliving.

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Day 2 of 2

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