Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Plants: Supplemental Guide 2 | Plant Parts 47

Core Vocabulary

flowers, n. Parts of the plant where seeds are; blossoms
Example: On my mom’s birthday, I gave her flowers with pink petals.
Variation(s): flower
leaves, n. The parts of the plant that make the food for the plant
Example: My sister has a leaf collection with leaves of many different
sizes, shapes, and colors.
Variation(s): leaf
photosynthesis, n. The process in green plants that uses light to turn
water and air into food
Example: Plants can make their own food through the process of
Variation(s): none
roots, n. The parts of the plant that keep it in the ground and take up food
and water
Example: I made sure that the roots of the plant were covered with soil
when I planted it.
Variation(s): root
seeds, n. The small, protected parts of a plant that are able to grow into a
new plant
Example: Carlos saved sunflower seeds to plant in his garden.
Variation(s): seed
stems, n. The parts of the plant that support the plant and through which
water and nutrients travel to the rest of the plant
Example: After Mrs. Bryant cut the stems of the flowers, she put the
flowers in a vase of water.
Variation(s): stem
survival, n. The act of staying alive
Example: A plant needs food for its survival.
Variation(s): none
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