Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Plants: Supplemental Guide 2A|Plant Parts 49

At a Glance (Parts A & B) Exercise Materials Minutes

Introducing the Read-Aloud

What Have We Learned? Instructional Master 1D-1


Introducing “Plant Parts” potted plants
Vocabular y Preview: Roots,
Purpose for Listening

Presenting the Read-Aloud Plant Parts examples of different leavespotted plants;^10

Discussing the Read-Aloud Comprehension Questions Instructional Master 2A-1^10

 Complete Remainder of the Lesson Later in the Day


Multiple Meaning Word
Activity: Leaves Poster 2M (Leaves)


Syntactic Awareness Activity:
Simple Sentences with the
Plural /s/, /z /, or /es/

pictures/realia of plant parts

Vocabulary Instructional
Activity: Similar/Different

paper, drawing tools;
magazines (optional)
End of Lesson Check-In

Advance Preparation
For Introducing Plant Parts, use the potted plants you brought in for
Lesson 1. Use these potted plants for students to observe and point out
the different plant parts and to notice that they cannot see the roots of
the plants. You may wish to invite different students to help take care of
the potted plants by watering them and making sure they have the right
amount of sunlight.
For Presenting the Read-Aloud, bring in examples of different kinds of
leaves. You may wish to have students sort them by shape, size, and color.
Prepare a copy of Instructional Master 2A-1 for each student. Refer to
this as Response Card 1 (Plant Parts). Students can use this Response
Card for discussion, review, and to answer questions.

PPlant Partslant Parts^2 A

Day 1 of 2

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