Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Plants: Supplemental Guide 2A | Plant Parts 55

 Show image 2A-7: Leaf close-up

During photosynthesis, water, nutrients, air, and light come together
in the plant’s leaves. Photosynthesis is the way plants make food
for themselves. Photosynthesis is a good thing for plants because
plants cannot move around like animals or people to get their food.
Plants have to make food for themselves.

 Show image 2A-1: Sunflower

There are many, many different kinds of plants living in our world. And
all plants need nutrients, water, air, and light, so they can make food
for themselves through photosynthesis. And most plants also have
similar parts—roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and seeds.

Let’s review the parts of this plant.

[Point to each part as you talk about them.]
The plant’s roots reach down into the soil and grow underground.
The roots take up water and nutrients that are in the soil.

The stem holds the plant up tall and grows toward the light. Water
and nutrients travel up the stem to other parts of the plant.

Leaves grow out from the stem. The roots, stems, and leaves
work together to make food for the plant through photosynthesis.
Photosynthesis happens in the leaves.

Many plants have flowers, which are also called blossoms. Look at
the flower of this sunflower plant. Around the outside are many yellow
petals. In the center or middle of the sunflower blossom are many
small seeds.

If the seeds of the sunflower are planted into the soil, they can grow
into new sunflower plants! We will learn about how a plant grows from
a seed in the next lesson.
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