Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Plants: Supplemental Guide 2B | Plant Parts 59

I will show you several things related to plant parts. If I show only one
item, hold up one finger and name that plant part, for example, “one leaf.”
If I show more than one item, hold up the number of plant parts you see
and name the plant part, for example, “five leaves.” Finally, we will make
a simple sentence using the number and name of the plant part.
Note: There may be variations in the sentences created by your class.
Allow for these variations and restate students’ sentences so that they
are grammatical. If necessary, have students repeat the sentence.

  1. [Show a single leaf.]
    One leaf.
    Ms./Mr. [teacher’s name] is holding one leaf.

  2. [Show several leaves on the potted plant.]
    [Number] leaves.
    There are many leaves on the plant.

  3. What sound did we add to show that there is more than one leaf?

    • We added a /z/.

  4. [Continue to show a single item and then multiple items of different
    plant parts—stem/stems, seed/seeds, and flower/flowers.]

 Vocabulary Instructional Activity

Word Work: Similar/Different

  1. In the read-aloud you heard, “Most plants also have similar parts—
    roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and seeds.” You also saw different
    leaves from different types of trees.

  2. Say the word similar with me three times.
    Say the word different with me three times.

  3. Similar means almost the same as something else. If one thing is
    similar to another, they both have some features that are the same.
    Different means not the same.

  4. Rashid’s jacket is similar to Jordan’s; they are both blue, and they
    both have a hood.
    Rashid’s jacket is different from Jordan’s because Rashid’s jacket has
    pockets but Jordan’s jacket does not have pockets.

  5. How are you and your partner similar? How are you and your partner
    different? Talk about your clothes, your interests, your favorite foods,

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