Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Plants: Supplemental Guide 2C | Plant Parts 63

plant parts. Alternatively, you may choose to have students go outside
and find examples of different plant parts and tape them to their
Plants Page.

  • Choose a few students to dictate what they have drawn. Be sure to
    repeat back to them what you have written on their paper.

➶ Above and Beyond: If they are able, students may label their

  • Have students share their Plant Page with their partner, in small
    groups, or with home language peers. Encourage them to comment
    on each other’s picture. Then direct students to go back to their
    picture and revise it based on your comments or the comments of
    their peers.

Vocabular y Review


  1. You have heard the word roots before, like in this sentence, “The roots
    of the plant are covered with soil.”

  2. Roots are parts of the plant that keep it in the ground and take up
    food and water.

  3. Tell your partner why the roots of a plant are important to the
    survival of the plant. Use the word roots when you explain. Try to
    use complete sentences. I will call on a few students to share their


  1. You have heard the word stems before, like in this sentence, “Stems
    are important to the survival of the tree... ”

  2. Stems are the parts of a plant that support the plant. Water and
    nutrients travel through the stems to the rest of the plant.

  3. Discuss with your partner what would happen if a plant did not
    have stems. Use the word stems when you tell about it. Try to use
    complete sentences. I will call on a few students to share.

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