Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Plants: Supplemental Guide 2C | Plant Parts 67

The leaf on the top left is from the sugar maple tree. The leaf below is
from the white oak tree. The leaf on the top right is from a witch hazel
tree, and the leaf below is from the black oak tree.

Leaves are very important to the survival of all plants.

 Show image 2A-6: Leaves in sunlight

When light shines on the green leaves of plants, the leaves absorb—
or soak up— energy from the light.^ The leaves use the light to turn
the nutrients, water, and air inside the plant into food.

This amazing process is called (photosynthesis).

 Show image 2A-7: Leaf close-up

During photosynthesis, water, nutrients, air, and light come together
in the plant’s leaves.

Tell your partner why photosynthesis is important to plants.

[Allow fifteen seconds for students to talk. Call on a volunteer partner pair to
Photosynthesis is important for plants because plants cannot
move around like animals or people to get their food. Plants have to
make food for themselves. Plants make food for themselves through

Photosynthesis uses light.

[Shine the flashlight onto the leaf.]
The light turns the , , and (nutrients, water, and
air) into food for the plant.

Let’s say photosynthesis together three more times.

 Show image 2A-1: Sunflower

Let’s review the parts of plants. Use this picture to review the parts of
plants with your partner. Use the words seeds, roots, stems, leaves,
and flowers.

[Allow thirty seconds for students to talk. Call on a volunteer to identify the
plant parts.]
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