Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Plants: Supplemental Guide 2D | Plant Parts 71

Extensions 15 minutes

 Plant Parts (Instructional Master 2D-1)
Note: You will need crayons for each student in the following colors:
dark brown, dark green, light green, light brown, and yellow. If certain
colors are not available in your classroom, replace colors with the
colors you have in the classroom. Identify each color for the students.
Directions: Color the part of the plant I name with the color I say.

  1. [Hold up the dark brown crayon.] Color the roots of the plant dark

  • Remind students that the roots of the plant keep it in the ground and
    soak up nutrients and water.

  1. [Hold up the dark green crayon.] Color the stem of the plant dark

    • Remind students that the stem of the plant supports it and carries
      water and nutrients to the other parts of the plant.

  2. [Hold up the light green crayon.] Color the leaves of the plant light

    • Remind students that leaves make the food for the plant during

  3. [Hold up the yellow crayon.] Color the petals of the flower yellow.

    • Remind students that the flower makes the seeds.

  4. [Hold up the light brown crayon.] Color the seeds of the plant light

    • Remind students that seeds of the plant can grow into a new

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Day 2 of 2

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