Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

74 Plants: Supplemental Guide 3 | The Life Cycle of a Plant

 With guidance and support from adults, respond to comments and
suggestions from peers to revise Plant Page #3 as needed (W.K.5)
 With assistance, organize facts from the read-aloud to put images
of different stages of the life cycle of a sunflower in the correct order
 Add drawings to the Plant Pages booklet to show information learned
from “The Life Cycle of a Plant” (SL.K.5)
 Add drawings to accompany an oral description of what a seed needs
in order to germinate (SL.K.5)
 Add body motions to accompany a description of the life cycle of a
plant (SL.K.5)
 Produce and expand simple sentences in a shared language activity
 Demonstrate understanding of mature by relating it to its opposite—
young (L.K.5b)
 Identify real-life connections between words—cycle, seeds, mature,
sprout, and germinate—and their use (L.K.5c)
 Learn the meaning of “great oaks from little acorns grow” and use in
appropriate contexts (L.K.6)
 Listen to a variety of texts, including informational text such as “The
Life Cycle of a Plant”

Core Vocabulary
germinate, v. To start to grow
Example: The rain will help the seeds in the garden germinate.
Variation(s): germinates, germinated, germinating
life cycle, n. The stages and changes that happen in living things, like
plants and animals
Example: The life cycle of a tree begins with a seed and ends as the
tree decomposes in the soil and another seed starts to germinate.
Variation(s): life cycles
mature, v. To develop fully; to grow into an adult or full-grown animal or plant
Example: It takes time for a seedling to mature into a full-grown, adult
Variation(s): matures, matured, maturing
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