Pree-Kindergraden - Classics Tales ( Activity Pages)

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Tell Me About the

Lion and the Mouse

Core Knowledge language Arts New York edition PresChool


Directions: Read the story of “The Lion and the Mouse” to your child. Tell your

child you are going to ask some questions about the story. Have your child point

to and circle the picture that shows the correct answer.

  1. Who woke the lion by running across his paw?

  2. What did the lion decide to do when the mouse

said he would be his friend?

  1. How did the lion feel about being awakened?

  2. How did the mouse later help the lion?

ANSWERS: 1) Mouse 2) Angry 3) Set the mouse free

4) Chewed through the net to free the lion
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