Pree-Kindergraden - Classics Tales ( Activity Pages)

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Core Knowledge language Arts New York edition PresChool


Core Knowledge language Arts New York edition PresChool


Illustrated by Gail McIntoshA Fable by Aesop The City Mouse and the Country Mousepage. Encourage your child to retell the story to you later this week.abridged story below to your child and then help your child do the accompanying activity Today your child listened to the fable “The City Mouse and the Country Mouse.” Read the Dear Family Member,

the City Mouse went to visit his One beautiful summer’s day,

The Country Mouse had a cousin the Country Mouse.
humble home. He ate

plain food like corn and
peas. The City Mouse

No, Sir! was not impressed.

chocolate cake.wonderful, delicious foods like ham and proudly. The cousins secretly began to eat “A feast awaits us!” said the City Mouse saw his cousin’s grand home.“Oh my!” said the Country Mouse when he

set off together.The Country Mouse agreed, and they wonderful city,” said the City Mouse. “Cousin, come with me to the
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