Grade 1 - Early world Civilizations

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

118 Early World Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 6A | Writing in Ancient Egypt

Vocabulary Preview 5 minutes
 Show image 6A-2: Hieroglyphs carved in stone

  1. Today you will learn that ancient Egyptians used hieroglyphs
    in their writing. Heiroglyphs are like single sounds, letters,
    or words. The writing system of ancient Egypt is called

  2. Say the word hieroglyphs with me three times.
    Say the word hieroglyphics with me three times.

  3. Hieroglyphs are pictures that represent sounds, letters,
    or words. The ancient Egyptian way of writing is called
    [Show students different images of hieroglyphics.]

  4. Ipi will teach Meret how to read and write hieroglyphs.

  5. [Invite students to identify the picture-like writing of

  6. In the read-aloud, you will hear Meret’s mother say, “People
    also paint or write on wood or papyrus.”

  7. Say the word papyrus (puh-PIE-rus) with me three times.

  8. Papyrus is a tall, grass-like plant that grows in water. [Show
    images of papyrus (the plant).]
    Papyrus is also the paper made from the papyrus plant. [Show
    images or pass around examples of papyrus (the paper).]

  9. The ancient Egyptians wrote hieroglyphs on stone, wood, or

  10. [If available, pass around examples of papyrus paper for
    students to see and touch.] Which material do you think is the
    easiest to write on—stone, wood, or papyrus? Which material
    do you think is the lightest—stone, wood, or papyrus?

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