Grade 1 - Early world Civilizations

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Early World Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 6B | Writing in Ancient Egypt 127

  • Now you try with your partner: Use the possessive pronoun
    yours to tell your partner about something that belongs to him
    or her. Use this sentence starter to help you begin: “[Partner’s
    name], this is yours; it belongs to you.”

  1. When I am talking about something that belongs to a boy, I use the
    possessive pronoun his. When I am talking about something that
    belongs to a girl, I use the possessive pronoun hers. Listen as I say
    that something belongs to a boy in our class. [Point to a boy.] “This
    drawing is his; it belongs to [James].”
    Now listen as I say something that belongs to a girl in our class. [Point
    to a girl.] “This drawing is hers; it belongs to [Joanne].”

  • Now you try with your partner: Use the possessive pronoun his
    to tell your partner that something belongs to a boy in the class.
    Use this sentence starter to help you begin: “This is his;
    it belongs to [name of boy].”
    Use the possessive pronoun hers to tell your partner that
    something belongs to a girl in the class. Use this sentence
    starter to help you begin, “This is hers; it belongs to
    [name of girl].”

  1. Now, I am going to say different sentences about the read-aloud that
    contain many of the possessive pronouns we just practiced. Please
    stand up or raise your hand when you hear one of those words.
    Remember, the possessive pronouns we just practiced are mine,
    yours, his and hers.

 Show image 6A-3: Messenger

  • [Point to the messenger’s bag.] “This bag of messages is his.”
    [Ask: “Who does his refer to in this sentence?” (the messenger)]

  • When the messenger delivers the letter, he tells the person
    getting the letter, “This letter is yours.” [Ask: “Who does yours
    refer to in this sentence?” (the person getting the letter)]

 Show image 6A-1: Meret and her father returning

  • Rensi points to the bag of fi sh and says, “That bag of fi sh is
    mine.” [Ask: “Who does mine refer to in this sentence?” (Rensi)]

  • [Point to the oar.] “This oar belongs to Meret; the oar is hers.”
    [Ask: “Who does hers refer to in this sentence?” (Meret)]

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