Grade 1 - Early world Civilizations

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Early World Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 11B | Tutankhamun, The Golden Pharaoh, Part I 201

  1. When I am talking about a thing but not a specifi c thing, or
    when I am talking about an unknown thing, I use the pronoun
    something. Listen as I talk about something I need. “I
    need something I can write with.” Notice I did not ask for
    a specifi c thing to write with like a pencil or a marker; I just
    asked for something to write with.

  • Now you try: I will call on a few students to tell the rest of the
    class about something they need. Use the word something to
    show that you are not talking about a specifi c thing. Use this
    sentence starter to help you begin: “I need something I can [sit
    on; write on; erase with; eat with; clean up with; play with].”

    1. Now, I am going to say different sentences about the read-
      aloud that contain many of the pronouns we just practiced.
      Please stand up or raise your hand when you hear one of
      those words. Remember, the pronouns we just practiced are
      everybody, somebody, and something.
       Show image 11A-7: Door sealed shut

  • [Point to the hole in the door.] Carter told his men, “Somebody
    has tried to break open this door.” [Ask: “Who does somebody
    refer to in this sentence?” (an unknown person who tried to
    break open the door)]

  • Carter asked, “I need something to break open this door.”
    [Ask: “What does something refer to in this sentence?” (an
    unspecifi ed thing that can be used to break open the door)]

  • Carter told the people with him, “Shh, everybody be quiet.”
    [Ask: “Who does everybody refer to in this sentence?” (all the
    people who are with him)]

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