Grade 1 - Early world Civilizations

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

210 Early World Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 12A | Tutankhamun, The Golden Pharaoh, Part II

Presenting the Read-Aloud 15 minutes

Tutankhamun, The Golden Pharaoh, Part II
 Show image 12A-1: Carter and others looking at part of door in
After clearing what turned out to be the last of sixteen stairs,
Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon saw, carved into the door a
few inches lower than Carter had been able to see the fi rst time,
the royal sign of Pharaoh Tutankhamun. But Carter also saw signs
that part of the door had been opened before, and then resealed.^1
After all their work, would they fi nd an empty tomb?^2
For days, the crew worked to clear the rock-fi lled passageway,
anxious to move ahead but afraid of destroying anything important
if they moved too fast. Thirty-two feet in, they found another door!
This one also had Tutankhamun’s seal and more signs that part
of it had been broken open. Carter cut another hole, lit a candle,
and looked through. The others, fairly dancing with excitement
behind him, waited, but he said nothing—because, as it turned
out, he could not speak. He was too overcome. At last Carnarvon
demanded, “Can you see anything?” Howard Carter turned slowly,
and answered, “Yes—wonderful things!”^3
 Show image 12A-2: Tut’s throne, and other golden objects
What they saw was just a hint of what appeared several days
later when they opened that door and entered by the light of
electric torches, or fl ashlights. As those torches lit up the room
beyond, light fl ashed back at the explorers: refl ections in gold!
There, shining in the torchlight, were a golden throne, a statue of a
golden snake, couches made of gold, golden clothing draped over
two large, black stone statues, and much more.
Looking around, Carter and Carnarvon saw ancient Egyptian
art pieces of great beauty, some unlike any they had ever seen
before. These were priceless not only for the gold and jewels all
over them, but also because they would give new clues to the

1 Who do you think might have
opened and resealed the door?

2 What do you think? Will the tomb
be empty?

3 What do you think Carter saw?

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