Grade 1 - Early world Civilizations

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Early World Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 12B| Tutankhamun, The Golden Pharaoh, Part II 215

Note: Extensions may have activity options which exceed the
time allocated for this part of the lesson. To remain within the time
period allocated for this portion of the lesson, you will need to
make conscious choices about which activities to include based
on the needs of your students.

Extensions 20 minutes

Image Card Review 10 minutes
Pass out all of the Image Cards for Mesopotamia and ancient
Egypt to various students. Have students take turns telling all that
they can about what is shown on each Image Card.

Class Book (Instructional Master 12B-1) 20 minutes
After reviewing what has been learned about Mesopotamia
and ancient Egypt, tell students that they are each going to
make a page for a class book about Mesopotamia and ancient
Egypt. Brainstorm what the various pages may be about. Have
each student draw a picture for one fact or concept. Then have
students write a sentence about the picture. Some students may
need to dictate to an adult what will be written. Others may write a
complete sentence on their own. Give students the opportunity to
share their pictures and sentences with a partner or with the class.
Bind the pages to make a book that will become a part of the
classroom library for students to read and enjoy again and again.

Domain-Related Trade Book 20 minutes

  • Refer to the list of recommended trade books in the Introduction
    at the front of this Supplemental Guide, and choose one trade
    book about Egyptian pharaohs to read aloud to the class.

  • Explain to students that the person who wrote the book is called
    the author. Tell students the name of the author. Explain to

TTu t a n k h a m u n , T h e utankhamun, The

Golden Pharaoh, Part II^12 B

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