Grade 1 - Early world Civilizations

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Early World Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 13 | Three World Religions 227

Advance Preparation

Create a three-column chart like the one on Instructional Master
13B-1. You may wish to place the images in Instructional Master
13B-2 that represent the three world religions at the top of the

Make a copy of Instructional Master 13B-1 for each student. Refer
to it as their Three World Religions Comparison Chart. Students
may wish to fi ll in their own charts as you fi ll in the class chart.

Note to Teacher

In this lesson and throughout the rest of the domain, you may wish
to omit the terms polytheistic and monotheistic, as these terms
may be too advanced for this grade. What is important is that
students become aware that some people believe in many, many
gods and some people believe in one God.

There are opportunities in the Extensions section of the next three
lessons to read a trade book about the world religions presented
in this domain.

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