Grade 1 - Early world Civilizations

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Early World Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 13A | Three World Religions 229

Where Are We? 5 minutes
Using a world map or globe, show students the Middle East. Point
out the locations of Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt that they
have already learned. Tell them that they will be learning about
three different religions and that all three began in the Middle East.
These three religions have many followers around the world today.

Vocabulary Preview 5 minutes

 Show image 13A-3: Three world religions

  1. In today’s read-aloud, you will be introduced to three world
    religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

  2. [Point to the Star of David.] Say the word Judaism with me
    three times.
    [Point to the cross.] Say the word Christianity with me three
    [Point to the crescent moon and star.] Say the word Islam with
    me three times.

  3. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam began in areas around
    Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt. They are three world
    religions among many, many religions in this world.

  4. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam believe in one God.

  5. How are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam different from the
    religions of Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt?

Purpose for Listening
Tell students to listen carefully to fi nd out the names of three world
religions in the world today.
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