Grade 1 - Early world Civilizations

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

242 Early World Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 14A | Judaism

Presenting the Read-Aloud 15 minutes

 Show image 14A-1: Miriam
Hi, I’m Miriam. I am Jewish. Jewish people practice a religion
called Judaism. Judaism began long ago with the Hebrew people,
descendants of Abraham. You’ve already heard about Abraham.
Jewish people believe that God made a covenant, or agreement,
with Abraham. In this covenant, God promised to take care of
Abraham and his descendants, and Abraham promised to worship
only God instead of following the common practice of worshiping
many different gods.^1
Long after Abraham died, the Hebrews had to leave the
“Promised Land” of Canaan because there was not enough food
to eat. They moved to neighboring Egypt, where they were made
to work as slaves for the king, or pharaoh, of Egypt.^2
 Show image 14A-2: Moses^3
After many years, God sent a prophet^4 named Moses to help
free the Hebrew people and lead them back to Canaan, “the
promised land.”^5

 Show image 14A-3: Moses and the parting of the Red Sea^6
Moses asked the Egyptian pharaoh to free the Jewish people
from slavery, but the pharaoh refused. God punished the pharaoh
for enslaving the Jewish people.^7 Finally, the pharaoh let the
Jewish slaves leave Egypt and return to Canaan. Moses led them
to freedom by obeying God, who parted, or pushed back, the
waters of the Red Sea so the Jewish people could walk through to
Canaan. This journey out of Egypt is called the Exodus.^8

1 Abraham left the land of Ur. Where
did he go to live?

2 [Using a world map, point to the
area known as Israel and then to
Egypt. Explain that the Hebrews
went from Canaan to Egypt to
live, and they worked as slaves for
the pharaoh.] Slaves are made to
work for someone without pay or

3 What do you see in this picture?
[Explain that this is a sculpture
of Moses done by a famous artist
named Michelangelo.]

4 or one who teaches others about

5 Why was Canaan was called “the
promised land”?

6 This is someone’s depiction of what
Moses did to help lead the Hebrew
people out of Egypt. Listen to see
what Moses did.

7 or for making them slaves

8 [Using a world map, point to Egypt,
the Red Sea, and then to Israel
(Canaan). Explain that the Jewish
people, led by Moses, left their life
of slavery in Egypt and went back
to “the promised land” of Canaan.]

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