Grade 1 - Early world Civilizations

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Early World Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 15 | Christianity 251

 Prior to listening to “Christianity,” identify orally what they know
and have learned about polytheism, monotheism, and Judaism

Core Vocabulary

Christian, n. Someone whose religion is based on the teachings of Jesus
Example: A Christian believes that Jesus is the son of God.
Variation(s): Christians
church, n. A public house of worship for the Christian faith
Example: My aunt was married in the church last Sunday.
Variation(s): churches
eternal, adj. Lasting forever; never-ending
Example: Some people believe that life is eternal and will never end.
Variation(s): none
Messiah, n. A savior, predicted by ancient Hebrews, and believed by
Christians to be Jesus
Example: There are many songs about the Messiah in Christian
Variation(s): none
miracle, n. An often unexpected and always extraordinary, nearly
unbelievable event, usually thought to be brought about by God
Example: In the New Testament, I read about a miracle performed by
Variation(s): miracles
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