Grade 1 - Early world Civilizations

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Early World Civilizations: Supplemental Guide DA | Domain Assessment 281

  1. Pyramid: A pyramid is a structure with triangular sides.
    (smiling face)

  2. Pharaoh: The pharaoh was the ruler of Mesopotamia.
    (frowning face)

  3. Sphinx: The Sphinx is an imaginary creature with the body of
    a human and head of a lion. (frowning face)

  4. Archaeologist: An archaeologist is a scientist who studies the
    way people lived in the past. (smiling face)
    Directions: I am going to read more sentences using other words
    you have heard and practiced. First I will say the word, and then I
    will use it in a sentence. If I use the word correctly in my sentence,
    circle the smiling face. If I do not use the word correctly in my
    sentence, circle the frowning face. I will say each sentence two

  5. Symbols: The letters of our alphabet are symbols for sounds.
    (smiling face)

  6. Accurately: When something is done accurately, it does not
    have any mistakes. (smiling face)

  7. Visible: When something is visible, you cannot see it.
    (frowning face)

  8. Valuable: Something that is valuable to you is very important
    to you. (smiling face)

  9. Similarities: When two things have many similarities, they are
    alike in many ways. (smiling face)

Part II (Instructional Master DA-2)

Directions: I am going to read some sentences with information
about early world civilizations. If my sentence is about
Mesopotamia, check the box for “Mesopotamia.” If my sentence
is about ancient Egypt, check the box for “Ancient Egypt.” If my
sentence is about both Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt, check
both boxes.

  1. This civilization developed along the Nile River in Africa.
    (Ancient Egypt)

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