Grade 1 - Early world Civilizations

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

22 Early World Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 1A| A Father and His Son in Mesopotamia

Note: Introducing the Read-Aloud may have activity options which
exceed the time allocated for this part of the lesson. To remain
within the time period allocated for this portion of the lesson, you
will need to make conscious choices about which activities to
include based on the needs of your students.

Introducing the Read-Aloud 10 minutes

Domain Introduction 5 minutes
Tell students that for the next few weeks they will pretend to travel
back in time to learn how two different groups of people lived
thousands of years ago. Explain to students that the word ancient
can be used to describe the time period in which these people
lived. Tell students that the word ancient means very, very old or
long, long ago. Tell students that they will learn how people lived
in a place known as Mesopotamia and also how people lived in
ancient Egypt.
Explain to students that these people lived differently from the way
we do today. There were no cars yet, no computers, no televisions
or radios, no electric lights, and no refrigerators to keep food fresh
and delicious. Tell students that although the lives of the ancient
people who lived long ago were very different, there were many
ways that we are just like them. These ancient peoples laughed
together; they loved the people in their families and tried hard to
take care of them; they helped their friends; and they wanted to
live safely and comfortably.

Where Are We? 10 minutes
Show students a world map or globe. Ask them to locate Asia.
Point to the area known as the Middle East. Tell students that this
area of Asia is called the Middle East. Point to Iraq, and explain
that Iraq is one of the countries in the Middle East.

AA Father and His Son Father and His Son

in Mesopotamia^1 A

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