Grade 1 - Early world Civilizations

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Early World Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 1A | A Father and His Son in Mesopotamia 23

Explain that people have been living in this area for thousands of
years, but the area has not always been called the Middle East.
Explain that, in ancient times, part of it was called Mesopotamia.

 Show image 1A-1: The desert

Have students describe the picture. Explain to students that this
is a picture of the desert and that the land in Mesopotamia was
mostly desert. Explain to students that it does not rain very much
in the desert. It is so dry that it is hard for many plants and animals
to live there.
Tell students that it is easier for plants and animals to live in areas
with fertile land. Explain that fertile means the soil in these areas is
rich in nutrients and water, making it easier for plants and animals
to fl ourish.

 Show image 1A-2: Warad and Iddin

Explain to students that in today’s read-aloud, they will hear about
a special part of Mesopotamia where the land isn’t desert; it is
fertile (meaning it is easy for plants and animals to live there). They
will hear a made-up story about a father and his son who lived in
Mesopotamia in ancient times. Point to the man in the picture, and
explain that this character is the father whose name is Warad (WAH-
red). Have students repeat the name Warad after you. Point to the
boy in the picture, and explain that this character is Warad’s son,
Iddin (ID-din). Have students repeat the name Iddin after you. Tell
students that even though this is a story with made-up or fi ctional
characters—Warad and Iddin—Mesopotamia was a real place a
long time ago.

Vocabulary Preview 5 minutes

  1. Today you will meet a father and son who lived four thousand
    years ago in an ancient civilization called Mesopotamia.

  2. Say Mesopotamia with me three times.

  3. Mesopotamia is the name of a region in Asia between the
    Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.

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