Grade 1 - Early world Civilizations

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

24 Early World Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 1A | A Father and His Son in Mesopotamia

  1. [Point out the Mesopotamian region on a world map. Have
    students locate the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers on their map.
    Tell them that Mesopotamia was located between these two

  2. The word Mesopotamia means “land between two rivers.”

  3. Tell your partner why you think Mesopotamia’s name has this
    special meaning. Tell your partner one thing you hope to learn
    about Mesopotamia.
     Show image 1A-8: Close-up of canals

  4. Today you will learn that canals were important to the people
    living in Mesopotamia.

  5. Say the word canals with me three times.

  6. Canals are long paths people dig into the land and fi ll with
    water. Canals are used to water crops and are also used by
    boats for travel and shipping.

  7. [Show students different images of canals.]

  8. The Mesopotamians built canals so that boats could move
    supplies and things to different parts of the land.

  9. Can you fi nd the canals in this picture? Tell your partner what
    you think the canals were used for.

Purpose for Listening
Tell students that there were rivers in Mesopotamia just as there
are rivers in the United States. These rivers made the land around
them fertile so that plants and animals could live around them.
Tell the class to listen carefully to learn the names of two rivers
in Mesopotamia and why they were important to the people who
lived in this area.
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