Grade 1 - Early world Civilizations

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

26 Early World Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 1A | A Father and His Son in Mesopotamia

 Show image 1A-6: Warad and Iddin sitting on a bench
And Warad waved his hand in a circle.^5 “Now we have our
great and beautiful Babylon. Of course, the people that settled in
Babylon weren’t the only ones who had the good idea to settle
along the river. Other people came and settled up and down the
river, forming other towns and cities.
“Soon, people realized they could use the Euphrates for more
than just growing food. What else do you think they discovered
they could use the river for?” Warad asked his son.^6
Iddin thought for a moment, then asked, “To carry things from
one city to another like we do today?”
 Show image 1A-7: The river
“Correct!” his father bellowed. “They traveled in boats up and
down the river to trade with people from other cities.^7 The cities
soon traded crops, material to make clothing, and other items that
they needed. The Euphrates River is not the only river that is used
in this way. People also use the Tigris River (TY-gris) to grow crops
and to trade with other cities.”^8
“It is hard to think of a time when people did not use the river
for growing crops and for traveling as we do today!” Iddin said.
Warad replied, “That it is. I have more to explain to you. You
see, after a while, many people had made their homes along the
Euphrates, and some had land farther back from the river. Soon,
it was diffi cult for everyone to reach the water easily.^9 People
started wondering if there was a way to get the water from the
river to other parts of the city. Soon, they discovered that there
was a way!”^10

 Show image 1A-8: Close-up of canals
Iddin thought for a minute, then exclaimed, “The canals!”
“Yes!” his father continued. “They dug ditches cut into the
earth, which we call canals.^11 The water fl owed out of the river
and through the canals to the areas of the city farther from the

5 [Indicate this motion as you read.]

6 What other things do you think the
people used the river for?

7 Trade means to exchange goods.

11 [Point to the canals in the picture.]

8 [Show students the Tigris River on
a map. Remind them that Warad
and Iddin are walking along the
Euphrates River.] Both rivers were
used in Mesopotamia for growing
crops and trading.

9 Why was it harder? [Explain that
the density of the people living
around the river increased.]

10 How do you think people were
able to get the water to other parts
of the city? Remember, this was
before cars and trucks.

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