Grade 1 - Early world Civilizations

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

32 Early World Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 1B | A Father and His Son in Mesopotamia

  1. When I am talking about a boy, I use the pronoun he. When I
    am talking about a girl, I use the pronoun she. Listen as I say
    something nice about a girl in our class. “[Gema] is happy.
    She has a smile on her face.”
    Now listen as I say something nice about a boy in our class.
    “[Dorian] is kind. He always helps his classmates.”

  • Now you try with your partner: Point to a girl in our class,
    say something nice about her, and use the pronoun she to
    explain why. Use this sentence starter to help you begin:
    “[Name of girl] is. She... ”
    Point to a boy in our class, say something nice about him,
    and use the pronoun he to explain why. Use this sentence
    starter to help you begin: “[Name of boy] is. He... ”

  1. When I am talking about a thing, I use the pronoun it. For
    example, if you ask me where the door to this classroom is, I
    could answer, “It is over there.” [Point in the direction of the

  • Now you try with your partner: Ask and answer a question
    about something in the classroom. When you answer, use
    the pronoun it to refer to the thing your partner asked about
    and point to that thing. Use these sentence starters to help
    you begin: “Where is.. .?” and “It is... ”
     Show image 1A-4: Warad and Iddin sitting on a bench

  1. Now, I am going to read different sentences from the read-
    aloud that contain many of the pronouns we just practiced.
    Please stand up or raise your hand when you hear one of the
    pronouns. Remember, the pronouns we just practiced are I,
    you, he, she, and it.

  • Iddin said, “But I don’t understand, Father. Did all these
    things appear out of the water?” [Ask: Who does I refer to in
    this sentence? (Iddin)]

  • “No,” his father laughed. “No one just floated the palaces
    down here or pulled them from the water. I can explain,
    Iddin.” [Ask: Who does I refer to in this sentence? (Warad,
    Iddin’s father)]

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