Specific Content ChangesThese include the following:
NWe gave the exercise sets special attention. There are approximately 1,100 new
and updated exercises, including problems that check conceptual understanding,
focus on skill development, and provide review. We also worked to improve the
even-odd pairing of exercises.
NReal-world data in over 185 applications in the examples and exercises has been
NThere is an increased emphasis on the difference between expressions and equa-
tions, including a new Caution at the beginning of Section 2.1. Throughout the
text, we have reformatted many example solutions to use a “drop down” layout in
order to further emphasize for students the difference between simplifying
expressions and solving equations.
NWe increased the emphasis on checking solutions and answers, as indicated by
the new CHECKtag and ✓in the exposition and examples.
NThe presentation on solving linear equations in Sections 2.1–2.3 now includes
five new examples and corresponding exercises.
NSection 2.6 includes entirely new discussion and examples on percent, percent
equations, and percent applications, plus corresponding exercises.
NSection 3.4 on writing and graphing equations of lines provides increased devel-
opment and coverage of the slope-intercept form, including two new examples.
NPresentations of the following topics have also been enhanced and expanded:
Dividing real numbers involving zero (Section 1.6)
Solving applications involving consecutive integers and finding angle measures
(Section 2.4)
Solving formulas for specified variables (Sections 2.5 and 7.7)
Using interval notation (Section 2.8)
Graphing linear equations in two variables (Section 3.2)
Solving systems of equations with decimal coefficients (Section 4.2)
Dividing polynomials (Section 5.7)
Factoring trinomials (Section 6.2)
Solving quadratic equations by factoring (Section 6.6)
We have included the following helpful features, each of which is designed to in-
crease ease-of-use by students and/or instructors.
Annotated Instructor’s EditionFor convenient reference, we include answers
to the exercises “on page” in the Annotated Instructor’s Edition,using an enhanced,
easy-to-read format. In addition, we have added approximately 35 new Teaching Tips
and over 50 new and updated Classroom Examples.
Relevant Chapter OpenersIn the new and updated chapter openers, we feature
real-world applications of mathematics that are relevant to students and tied to spe-
cific material within the chapters. Examples of topics include the Olympics, student
credit card debt, and popular movies. Each opener also includes a section outline.
(See pages 85, 175, and 247.)
xii Preface